Watch Lonnie's Reading
Lonnie Ali, chair of the Muhammad Ali Index, reads the open letter calling for you to sign the Ali Compassion Pledge.
Watch Lonnie's Reading
Lonnie Ali, chair of the Muhammad Ali Index, reads the open letter calling for you to sign the Ali Compassion Pledge.
Compassion: An Open Letter to America
Dear America
In our darkest moments, our humanity shines brightest.
When disasters strike or conflict rages, our communities show up, with love and resolve, guided by the unwavering light of collective compassion.
When a child falls, we don’t stop to ask how they look, live, or pray. We lift them up, because that’s the very soul of who we are.
Muhammad believed in every one of us. He showed us that true greatness is defined not by who we knock down, but by how many we lift up. As he said, ‘Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.’
When we feel fractured by fear, service to others is not just an option – it’s a necessity. Compassion invites us to face our fears with curiosity, fostering the courage and empathy to truly step into someone else’s shoes. Compassion is a bridge, helping us move forward by finding common ground and understanding across divides.
Our collective decision to act with compassion is the antidote to division, polarization, and hate. Compassion is more than a feeling; it’s a skill we can measure – a muscle we can strengthen.
As Muhammad knew, even the smallest act of kindness is a spark, powerful enough to ignite a flame that can transform the world.
Now is the time to ignite that flame. Join me in signing the Ali Compassion Pledge.
Every hand we lift, honors the Greatness within us all.
Commit to meeting hate head-on with compassion. It never failed Muhammad, and it won’t fail you.
With compassion
Lonnie Ali
Chair of the Muhammad Ali Index
Co-Founder of the Muhammad Ali Center
Sign the Pledge
Step up and be part of the movement to lead with compassion and stand for Muhammad Ali’s values.